Übersicht Universities OAS

ZiTA Concept

The ZiTA gGmbH is deeply committed to promoting an open and democratic society. ZiTA´s sees its diverse and international faculty and student body as a tremendous asset in fostering higher education, research in the humanities, arts and sciences and promoting social entrepreneurship. Inspired by the conviction that the pursuit of knowledge engages and forms all […]

Contact ZiTA

You can contact us Monday – Friday, 10 am – 2 pm, Telephone no.: 0049 (0)30 3336591. Contact Partners: Gabriele Fliegel, Manager, “Gesellschaft zur Gründung der Hochschule Berlin gGmbH” or: Petra Richter, Office Administrator, “Vereinigung Wirtschaftshof Spandau e.V”. We are also pleased to hear from you in writing When you send a message using this […]

That’s how you find us!

At the Berlin- Spandau historic centre! Breite Straße 37, 13597 Berlin, 4. OG Tel.: +4930 3336591 Fax +4930 – 35302332 E-Mail: info@zita-berlin.de www.zita-berlin.de